July 2020
- “This simple gesture of human connection goes a long way in bridging hurt and divide.” – July 30, 2020
- “I tip my hat to all the officers involved”
- “He is surely a credit to your whole outfit” – July 27, 2020
- “He took the time to help me…nicest guy ever.”
- “His amazing character moved me to write about my experience & how much I appreciated his extremely kind demeanor.”
- “They were extremely quick, kind, helpful and way beyond the call of duty” – July 20, 2020
- “I’m profoundly grateful to the Utah Highway Patrol for every effort on your part to save lives.” – July 17, 2020
- “I know these two troopers have great souls and I pray that they continue to be kind and safe” – July 16, 2020
- “He was so kind yet firm while giving me a warning.” – July 16, 2020
- “What could have been a very worrisome and frightening situation was turned into a shining example of kindness and help for someone in need.” – July 13, 2020
- “These two were really protecting and serving me and the community.” – July 10, 2020
- “You’re so valuable on our roads and freeways” – July 5, 2020
- “We think you are heroes; not just during a time of a global pandemic, and of not so peaceful protesting and unrest, but all the time.” – July 4, 2020
- “He risked his life to slow down traffic and keep someone safe” – July 2, 2020
- “He offered to bring us 2 gallons of gas. He stayed with us until our car started.”
- “I really just wanted to express how grateful I am for his service. He was very kind. Thank you for all y’all do.”

July 30, 2020
Trooper Carson, Duchesne County
“On an impromptu road trip to the Dinosaur National Monument. Carl got a wee bit heavy on the gas as we passed the locals and we were pulled over. Don’t have to tell you that no one likes being pulled over. I’ve been intentionally trying to treat every officer I see as an individual the way, as a Black woman, want to be seen and treated. Thank you Trooper Zane Carson of the Utah Highway Patrol for your kindness, for talking genuinely with our family and for making our girls “honorary officers” with the “authority” to tell daddy to slow down. This simple gesture of human connection goes a long way in bridging hurt and divide. God Bless you and protect you Trooper Carson. Your kindness was not unnoticed.” – @diffusedsonlight on Instagram

July 2020
Trooper Bowers, Salt Lake County
“I just wanted to tell Trooper Bowers and the other officers a great job… I just watched the news about the homeless man and it brought tears to my eyes. I tip my hat to all the officers involved.”

July 27, 2020
Trooper Penman, Millard County
“I just wanted to share with you an encounter my husband and I had with a trooper this weekend. We were driving down I 15 near Beaver and had a tire blow out on our pickup. I was concerned as my husband is a senior citizen and we were in the middle of nowhere but within 5 minutes we had a state highway patrol car pull up behind lights flashing. That gave me such a sense of security having that protection behind us. The trooper then got out of his vehicle and without a moment of hesitation jumped in to help my struggling husband with rolling down the tire from under the truck and getting the jack set under the truck. We had all sorts of trouble with our jack and the jack he pulled out of his vehicle but finally got the truck barely lifted to put on the spare. He didn’t complain about kneeling in the hard gravel or getting his uniform dirty in the process. Your trooper stayed with us while we put extra air into the tire and quietly lent support through the entire process. This young trooper’s name was A. Penman and he is surely a credit to your whole outfit. We thank him for his service!” – J. Smuda

July 2020
Trooper Gardner, Salt Lake County
“So…. I almost died today! You see that tire in the middle of the highway? It’s mine! Car full of groceries, driving home on I-80 and my entire tire just flies off. It threw me to the right pretty hard, and I almost rolled my car. Freaked me right out. I was trying to figure out how to get the spare out because I had never done it and Highway Patrol Trooper Bryce Gardiner stopped and took the time to help me out. Nicest guy there is. Shout out to all the police out there getting so much hate right now. You are appreciated!!! Thanks again for helping me out!”

July 2020
Trooper Dutson, Utah County
“Hello! I just wanted to say that while I was on a road trip through your beautiful state last week, I was pulled over by Trooper Jeff Dutson badge #330 who demonstrated so much compassion & empathy for me while continuing to do his job & issue me a citation for speeding. His amazing character moved me to write about my experience & how much I appreciated his extremely kind demeanor. He recommended places to go & things to see, gave us a history lesson on the area all after telling me to slow down. But before he walked away, he said “I just want you to know your life matters to me” & told me he took a cultural sensitivity class that he learned a lot from. Just wanted to say those classes could possibly really help save lives & I feel so blessed to have encountered Trooper Dutson that day!” Facebook Message

July 20, 2020
Trooper Baie, Iron County
“This is to say thanks for taking care of a good friend, wife and two dogs after the carnage caused by being rear-ended totaling their tow hauler fifth wheel, Goldwing motorcycle, and truck as three of us were on the way to a camp out. The Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Bambi Baie and other Troopers, Iron County Sheriff’s Office, Cedar City Fire Department, Gold Cross Ambulance, Tow company and the Cedar City Hospital were extremely quick, kind, helpful and way beyond the call of duty responses to the 7/16/20 collision at approximately 10 a.m. near I15 mile marker 67. One of the dogs ran off, both Troopers and Sheriff’s office were on it getting the word out. A good Samaritan was able to pick the dog up and took it to a truck stop and they contacted law enforcement. Iron County Sheriff went out of their way to get her back to her family. Again, thanks so much.” – D. Western

July 17, 2020
UHP Troopers
“Utah Highway Patrol, I’ve been in the mortuary profession 40 years, and have served many families who have had loved ones die in vehicle accidents, most likely because they failed to wear their seatbelts. I speak for you when I say (we) cannot understand why drivers and passengers place so little value on their very lives when they choose not to protect themselves in the event of an accident… Lives end far too soon and families and friends are left without those who mean everything to them. I’m appropriately vocal in society strongly encouraging ALL to wear seatbelts, and I’m (profoundly) grateful to the Utah Highway Patrol for every effort on your part to save lives! Respectfully yours” – E. Beatty

July 16, 2020
Troopers B. Prescott and Johansen
“Good Day! I just wanted to leave a great note to Troopers BLAINE PRESCOTT & JEFF JOHANSEN. Met the two at the State Capitol this past Sunday. I want tell them thank you for their great attitude and conversation. They were very kind in informing me and my sister Michelda George on the condition of filming at the capital, a time it was not open to the public. From our conversation, I know these two troopers have great souls and I pray that they continue to be kind and safe while protecting and serving the community. THANK YOU!” – M. Mathurin

July 16, 2020
Trooper Cloward, Salt Lake County
“I was having a very difficult day, and probably should have stayed home, but I ventured out and consequently drove the way I felt. Trooper Cloward was so kind, yet firm, when giving me a warning. Words can’t express how grateful I am that I didn’t cause an accident or something. Thank you.” – K. Montague

July 13, 2020
Trooper Pugliese, Carbon County
“I wanted to take a minute to thank the Utah Highway Patrol and especially Trooper Pugliese for going above and beyond in providing assistance to my daughter in law. She ran into trouble with her truck while traveling from Washington to Colorado and what could have been a very worrisome and frightening situation was turned into a shining example of kindness and help for someone in need. In this time of such sadness, worry and a lack of respect for our law enforcement, I thank the department and Trooper Pugliese for being there for a member of my family. Thank you so very much. Keep up the great work.” M. Weare

July 10, 2020
Trooper Mandos, Salt Lake County
“Dear UHP, I am writing to tell you of the encounter I had with two of your officers last Friday afternoon on I15. I was already not having a great day on Friday afternoon while driving through Salt Lake City on I 15. I ran over something that punctured my tire and it went flat immediately. I knew what to do – try to pull off to a safe – or relatively safe area – stay in the car – call AAA. I pulled off to the side of the road with traffic racing past me. I was trying to call AAA, working my way through their holds and their long phone tree. As I said, I was not having a good day and this stress was building fast. About that time your two officers – one male and one female approached me in my car. “No,” I thought. “Now I am in trouble for stopping here. Probably going to ticket me.” I explained that I was on the phone trying to reach AAA. They said, “Never mind AAA. Stay in your car. We can mount up your spare tire and have you on your way.” What a relief! Then they went to work to jack up my Suburban, remove my flat tire, mount my spare tire, and put the flat in the back of my car. They were so helpful and nice at a very difficult moment for me. Today it has become fashionable to criticize police officers. These two did not know my race or gender when they chose to stop and help. All they knew is that I was a motorist in trouble. They stopped and saved my day. These two really were protecting and serving me and the community. I am so grateful for them. I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate those officers and your organization. I wrote this story in a brief Facebook post. I want others to know the service your officers provided. Thank you to you. And thank you to them. I hope this message can find its way to them. I do not know their names. This happened Friday (July 10, 2020) at about 5:30 PM Northbound on I 15 at about 4500 South. Their patrol car bore the license plate number UHP 602. Thank you.” – M. Ferrin

July 5, 2020
UHP Troopers
“I’m watching you guys on YouTube. You’re so valuable on the roads and freeways. I can’t imagine what it would be like without your troopers.”

July 4, 2020
UHP Troopers
“Officers of the Utah Department of Public Safety:
We think you are heroes; not just during a time of a global pandemic, and of not so peaceful protesting and unrest, but all the time. You daily put your own life on the line to serve the community where you live. Your goal is to Protect and to Serve. You follow orders even when it makes you seem not so friendly to those who don’t want to obey the law. You are just wonderful men and women who care. It takes a special person to go into your line of work. For that we are extremely grateful. We need you to keep up the wonderful job you are doing.
We have lived through many decades and seen many things that at times caused us to be grateful and look with hope to the future. But we know it can be difficult to look with hope to the future when we see others who do not seem to care about listening to leaders and taking steps to safeguard our health and safety and returning our blessed country to normalcy. People are struggling and we all need to be willing to put our own wants on hold for the good of all until things are better. Unfortunately what is being shown on the news are people overlooking the sacrifice we need to make right now for our future. Which means all of you have to go out and be in harms way to keep us safe.
Your jobs require you to go out there daily to maintain order and peace so we can all be protected. And you have had to deal with looting, vandalism, major property damage, rioting, people overtaking the streets and stopping normal business functions for long periods of time. Your job requires you to patiently create balance while others, who think it’s okay, direct their hatred at the police by throwing things, spitting, mocking, yelling at and even hurting your fellow officers on top of our health crisis. You all have had to take that abuse without reacting. We are so proud of you! The isolated bad actions of a few have resulted in a hatred of the entire country’s Police Force like we have never seen. We understand being angry when a person, who was in the custody of our country’s finest, ends up being needlessly harmed or even killed. We should be angry but we also need to trust our justice system to do the right thing. That is what makes our country special.
We understand that racism exists. We have been victims of racism, and know first hand that racism is not limited to one group of people, it comes in all colors. The only way to get through that is by each of us being kinder to everyone. We cannot control others’ thoughts but we have control of ourselves. We can each make a difference. The change must happen within each of us. The current belief that directing anger at others will make the needed change only promotes more division and unrest.
We want you to know that we believe in the great work you provide for our citizens. We are the voice of many who love and respect the job you are doing. To those who wear a badge we say – Keep up the Great Work. THANK YOU!
Grateful Citizens of the United States of America”
July 3, 2020
UHP Troopers
“I want to report great job done by you, the highway patrol. I just saw a motorcycle officer slow down 6 Lanes of traffic by strategically and technically weaving across the lanes while flashing his lights. He risked his life to slow down traffic and keep someone safe further down the highway. I’ve never seen that, and I’m very impressed. Thank you for your service, all of you! I am a thankful resident of Salt Lake City.” – J. Felt
July 2020
“We would like to thank Trooper Jeff for coming to our rescue when we ran out of gas on I70 near the Westwater exit. Trooper Jeff offered to bring us 2 gallons of gas. He stayed with us until our car started. We might still be stranded had it not been for Trooper Jeff. Thanks for being there!”
July 2020
“Hi. I flagged down a trooper yesterday because my friend’s son was stung twice by a wasp in Iron County. I was a little panicked so I couldn’t focus on his name tag. I really just wanted to express how grateful I am for his service. He was very kind. Thank you for all y’all do.”