January 2021

January 29, 2021
Trooper Beveridge
“A UHP Trooper helped me out big time last night and I can’t stop thinking about him. I was inspired by his kindness and dedication to helping the community and am truly grateful for Utah’s Highway Patrol Troopers!!! On my way to work at the hospital, my tire went flat on the large hill on the highway near Deer Creek. It was dark, pounding snow and cars were sliding off the road like crazy. I instantly broke down into tears and began attempting to change my tire in the snow as cars sped passed me and soaked my clothes. My fingers were frozen, I was stressed at the thought of being soaking wet, freezing. And late for my long night shift and figuring out when to fix my tire as I worked night shifts for the rest of the week. Suddenly a Utah Highway Patrol Trooper named Dick from Heber jumped right in and began helping me. He had been pushing another car out of the snow when he noticed me struggling to change my tire in the snow. He instantly jumped right in and got the job done. He was light hearted and comforting and made me feel so much better. He was smiling and friendly and genuinely seemed happy to help me. I asked him how much longer his shift was and he said he was already off work but was just stopping to help on his way home. I was so moved by this. After a long hard shift in the snow, instead of rushing home to his family, he stopped to help many of us in need and had the best attitude while doing it. I thought of him during my night shift at the hospital, inspired by his kindness, I was a little more friendly to my patients. I went the extra mile for them and was eager to help. I’m so grateful for Dick and I hope he knows the positive change he is making on our community and the ripple effect that it has.” – Katelyn

January 29, 2021
Trooper J. Adams
“Hello, I would like to highlight a recent contact I had with Trooper Jeff Adams. On 1/29/21 a semi had flipped on southbound I15 that blocked all lanes of traffic. During this time a responding fire department vehicle clipped my semi-truck causing damage to the front end. Trooper Adams made sure that the situation was resolved and issued me an accident report. A big thanks to him and the department.” – J. Welchel

January 25, 2021
“I just wanted to extend my gratitude to the individuals who assisted me on the highway at 2-3 am when my car died. I almost lost my life but the situation was taken care of in a professional and amazing manner. I’m grateful for the help and just wanted to say thank you for saving my life last night.” – J. Pips

January 23, 2021
Trooper Vargas, Salt Lake County
“On Saturday, January 23, 2021, at about 3 pm one of your fine female UHP Troopers changed a tire for my who had gotten a flat tire on I-15 heading north bound between 10600 South and 90000 South in Sandy. We just wanted to show are gratitude and say thank you so much for your help with the tire. We really do appreciate it. Please pass this along to the Trooper so she knows how much we appreciate what she did. Thanks.” – A. Saulnier

January 20, 2021
Trooper Bennett
“Thank you to Trooper Bennett who pulled me over Wednesday evening on I 15 South. I pray for him and thank you for his service. I used to be a police officer long ago. He reminded me about safety and gave me a warning as I was stressed out driving my mother, two children, and carsick dog for hours. I needed that. Please pass on the message.” – M. Aranowski

January 17, 2021
Green River Troopers
“I just wanted to thank all the officers and others that were involved in saving my life in the Green River on Sunday the 17th. Without your help, I wouldn’t have made it to my 30th birthday on the 18th. Police don’t have the best reputation in public opinion these days but if they could see how important you truly are, their opinions would be different. So thank you again for everything and I look forward to helping in any way I possibly can in the future. I’m forever in debt for all the help. Thank you so much.” – David H.

January 18, 2021
UHP Troopers
“A huge thank you to all of you that are defending our State Capitol. We see you! We appreciate you! We are praying for you and your families! Don’t get discouraged. Most Americans DO NOT agree with what is going on. Please know we are thinking about you and your families every day. THANK YOU!” – H. Kearsley
“Protecting our Capitol. Thank you for making sure the militias were kept under control this weekend We look forward to the healing this country needs.” – P. Walsh
“Just want to tell all of you, thank you for all you do to keep us all safe!” – K. Cline
“I just wanted to thank our UHP for all they do, including defending our Capitol for the inauguration. You are appreciated!” – C. Hayman
“Thank you so much for protecting our freedoms! We love you and are praying for your safety.” – L. Roe
“Our family thanks you and your team for defending our Capitol!!! We appreciate it and pray for your safety and for your families.” – M. Robert
“Thank you to all who are defending our capitol. We appreciate you very much.” – C. Stahle

January 10, 2021
Trooper Faust, Salt Lake County
“On Sunday, January 10, 2021, I was stopped by Trooper J. Faust. Trooper Faust politely explained that my car registration had expired….by quite a bit. I wanted UHP to know how impressed I was with the professionalism and courtesy demonstrated by Trooper Faust. Faust issued me only a warning and I have since updated the vehicle registration; however, had he given me a ticket that would not have been inappropriate I would feel the same about his professional behavior. In today’s world, law enforcement has unfortunately become sometimes a dirty word and Troopers and officers are seemingly called out for the most simple of missteps. I just thought it important that you also hear about one of yours that was a great representative of the UHP. Thank you, Trooper J. Faust” – S. Slaymaker
January 8, 2021
Trooper Alexander, Utah County
“January 8, 2021, my daughter and I were headed northbound I-15 in Utah County and had a tire blow out. Trooper W. Alexander helped us change our tire right on the freeway as we were in the median next to a cement barrier close to the road. I am especially grateful for the efforts Trooper W. Alexander and UDOT T.Cole in helping to keep us safe in what could have been a very terrible circumstance. The traffic was so fast and didn’t seem to slow down and was too close in my estimation to these brave men. This is a reminder for me and my family to give plenty of room for those pulled over. Thank you UHP Troopers for being willing to serve and put your life on the line every day!! Thank you Trooper W. Alexander for helping us and for the good work that you do!!” – B. Smith

January 5, 2021
Trooper Vincent, Salt Lake County
“I just want to thank a trooper named Vincent for repairing my flat tire on the freeway today. There was some big metal thing in the road, and a bunch of cars were pulled over trying to figure out how to repair their cars, and he came out and just started going through the line, helping people. I am really appreciative and quite grateful! Very nice and helpful officer!” – A. Nelson

January 4, 2021
Trooper McCampbell, Utah County
“I wanted to reach out and thank Trooper McCampbell who literally dragged me out of the ditch that I had resigned myself to freezing to death in on January 3rd in Provo Canyon. I did everything in my power to save my two babies but you did everything in your power to save me. It’s my 30th birthday today and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. Thank you!” – C. Kendall