Spouse Testimonials
The Utah Highway Patrol welcomes you and your spouse! We invite you to learn more about our UHP family by reading the testimonials below.
Joseph and Trooper Amy Barley

Being part of the UHP family is more than just the late nights, long days, working holidays, and hand cuff jokes. It’s more than the bad crashes and close misses. It’s more than the good benefits, free guns, fast cars, and crazy stories. It’s building safer neighborhoods, stronger relationships, and trusting communities. It’s putting faces and personalities with a badge number. There’s more to being part of the UHP family then just getting a job. It’s not just something you do, it’s something you are. My wife “Impound Amy” is one of the most compassionate and passionate people I know. People ask me if I’ve ever worried about her out there on the road and I never have, not once, because I know she’s in the best hands there are. It’s hard sometimes being a “cop’s wife” with listening to the same stories 15 times, or dealing with their crazy driving, or their “secret code language” but it’s all worth it. Being married to a cop isn’t for everyone and not every cop that I’ve met I’ve liked, but all the one’s I’ve met from UHP have been exceptional. I’m grateful that UHP has invested so much into my family and that they take care of that investment. Both at an organizational level and an individual level. I often wish that my place of employment operated the same way and treated their people the same as UHP. Becoming part of the UPH family is one of the best decisions you can make for your family.
Agent Jonathan Boyd and David Rozek, PhD, ABPP
When people ask what it’s like being in a relationship with a law enforcement officer, the answer is easy – I’m proud. Day-in and day-out he gives all he can to the community he lives in to make it better. It isn’t all about what you see on the news or TV, some of his best memories are listening to the stories of people in the community, checking in on how they’re doing, celebrating with them when times are good, and supporting them in their times of need. I know that when people call 911 and are often at the worst points in their lives, my partner is going to show up and do everything in his power to help each person he can.
It is always fun to be asked about how he acts at home versus on the job because the answer to that is also simple – he’s the same. Both at home and at work, he stays true to his values of integrity, professionalism, service, knowledge, teamwork, and courage. He is the same in and out of uniform (except the 20lbs of gear he has to wear!). Each of our law enforcement officers is a person who has chosen this selfless career and they are people just like the rest of us (maybe with a few extra quirks)!
Now, not all parts of the job are fun. As with most in the law enforcement community, my partner has seen some of the worst and most gruesome accidents and crime scenes that have happened over the last few years. Sometimes, he sees several of these a week. I do not envy the job he has with investigating major crimes like sex trafficking and homicides, providing death notifications after fatal accidents, and performing CPR and emergency medical care on severely injured people from kids to more senior citizens. He works hard to stay positive and makes sure he has what he needs to be at 100% each day. He truly is a hero.
Megan and Trooper Eddie Wright

My husband has always wanted to be a police officer. Even now he will tell you that this is his dream job. In 2018, at the age of 37, he started his career in law enforcement. I love his example in following his dreams, showing it’s never too late to become what you’ve always wanted to be. I take pride in his true and unwavering desire to serve the community and risk his life for the safety of others.
My husband was drawn to UHP from the beginning, although he interviewed with different agencies, he really wanted to be a Trooper. During his pinning session and right before he was sworn in as a Trooper, I knew we had made the right decision for our family. As Colonel Rapich was addressing the new Troopers, our 10 month old little boy started to cry, and as my sister picked him up to take him out of the room Colonel stopped mid-sentence and said, “Please don’t take him out, we’re a family here.” And over the past three years we have come to learn just how true this is. Through the hard times and the happy times there is a special bond that runs through the Utah Highway Patrol and the law enforcement family. There is peace that comes seeing the bond that develops as these men and women serve together, knowing that through it all they have each other’s backs.
To all the spouses and loved ones of those that feel the desire to serve; you are seen, you are important and your support means everything.
Stevee and Trooper Derrick Gallegos

Hello! My name is Stevee Gallegos and I am the spouse of Trooper Gallegos. He is going on almost 12 years of being a part of The Utah Highway Patrol. We were already married when he decided to become a trooper and I am not going to lie, I wasn’t totally on board at first. During the beginning it was definitely an adjustment to the schedule. Having to work holidays, the swing shifts and call outs with three kids was no easy task. But over time it gets easier and you just learn to schedule things better and go with the flow.
Now, I am happy to report that I love my husband’s career choice! The word that comes to my mind when I think about my husband being a part of the Utah Highway Patrol now is “proud.” I’m so beyond proud of him and what he does. I never miss an opportunity to brag about him whenever I can. The fact that he continues on every single day doing a job that a lot of people hate him for, shows me what kind of man he is. I absolutely love K9 and the dogs we’ve had along the way! That has been my favorite so far! My daughters are so proud of their dad. They love telling people that their dad is an officer and has a police dog (now retired.) I love getting to hear about the things he gets to see and do. I especially love the sound of his velcro from the vest after his shift. Knowing he is home and safe and that he did his job that day.
One of the best things about being a spouse of a trooper are the friendships we have made along the way! I’ve met some pretty amazing police wives over the years. We all have so many things in common when it comes to our husbands and what they do and we can all relate to each other. We know that we will always have someone to lean on and that they will understand what we are going through. I’m so thankful to have gained so many best friends through UHP and even some we consider family! I love being a part of the blue family and knowing they will always be there for us no matter what.
Ashley and Sgt. Tony Carrubba

My name is Ashley Carrubba and my husband is a Utah State Trooper. I’ve been asked before what it’s like being the wife of a law enforcement officer and to be honest, there is no short answer. Dedication, resilience, patience, sacrifice, independence, adaptability, and thick skin are just a handful of
the tools in my toolbox. These skills have helped me through long nights, canceled plans, criticism, and when I’ve been consumed with worry.
Being a part of the Utah Highway Patrol family is nothing short of amazing. We have gained a second family over the last 20 years and will maintain those friendships long after retirement. Some of my best friends are the spouses of state troopers, and together we have helped one another navigate through the good and bad times.
Being a police wife brings a level of worry, stress, and humility to your life that you never knew existed. Despite the worry, fear, and at times skewed public perception I continue to be fiercely loyal to my husband and his career. I burst with pride every day he puts his uniform on and goes to work. I am humbled by the generous work he and every other state trooper does on a daily basis.
What is it like being the wife of a law enforcement officer: Humbling. I am honored to be a trooper’s wife.