Today we say a tough goodbye with a full hearted congratulations to Captain Garcia. You have been an amazing example to so many on the patrol, we know you will continue to do great things with your new department! Best of luck Captain! Read an article about Captain Garcia’s new position as Moab PD’s Chief […]
Highway Patrol News
Blocking Crash I-80 Tooele County
On Wednesday 03-02-2022 at 0957, a trooper had stopped a commercial vehicle for a move over violation on I-80 Westbound near milepost 85. He made a passenger side approach and was interacting with the driver and co-driver. While interacting with the driver and co-driver, another westbound semi was traveling in the right lane approaching the […]
Vote for UHP in the “Best Looking Cruiser” Contest
Voting has begun for the American Association of State Troopers “Best Looking Cruiser” contest. This year’s contest will be tabulated through the SurveyMonkey website. To cast your vote in the “2021 BestLooking Cruiser Contest” you can access the website link through the AAST Facebook page or click on and scroll through the state agency photos to find your favorite cruiser. […]
2020 Christmas Holiday Coloring Contest
The Utah Highway Patrol would like to invite all ages to join our Christmas Coloring Contest! To enter the contest please put your child’s name and age on the back of the coloring page, then take a picture of both sides and email it to: Age categories 3-5, 6-9, 10-14, 15+ Entries must be in by December 23rd […]

Multi-Agency Distracted Driving Enforcement Operation in Utah County
STATS FROM THE OPERATION Read a story about the enforcement from here: What: Utah County Law Enforcement Officers will utilize an unmarked van with spotters sitting inside looking for violations of Utah’s distracted driving laws. Violations will be called out to nearby marked units who will take appropriate enforcement action to educate or cite […]

Click It for Candy Canes – Adopt A High School Events
To help remind high school students to buckle up during their holiday break, Troopers in Utah County and Wasatch County held Click It for Candy Cane events at local high schools. As students, parents, and teachers left the school, if they were wearing their seat belts, they received a candy cane or lifesaver. The message […]
Swearing In Ceremony
Commissioner Anderson administered the oath of office for the 12 newest UHP Troopers. On Thursday, September 26th, the 12 newest members of the Utah Highway Patrol graduated from Police Officer Standards and Training and then were sworn in at the Utah State Capitol. Commissioner Anderson, Colonel Rapich, Major Winward and Captain Ricks all addressed the […]
UHP Kicks Off Adopt-A-High School Program with a Sweet Treat for Seat Belted Skyhawks
At Salem Hills High School, Troopers handed out Creamies to teens who were buckled up. With students headed back to school and getting behind the wheel, the Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) has launched its Adopt-A-High School program for the new school year. This means UHP Troopers are back on campus reminding teens about the importance […]
Labor Day Enforcement Plans
Troopers working additional shifts to help make sure everyone gets where they’re going SAFELY. As the sun sets on summer, we head into the Labor Day weekend, which will mark the end of 2019’s “100 Deadliest Days of Summer.” While fatality numbers are down from where they were last year at this time, UHP would […]
Operation Canyon Thunder
UHP Explosive Detection K9s Train with Utah Bomb Squad Task Force Troopers Colvin and Elmer and their K9 partners Arros and Rocco recently participated in the Utah Bomb Squad Task Force’s Operation Canyon Thunder, one of two annual training sessions the task force hosts. The training brings together all eight bomb squads in Utah, the […]