May 2020
- “Please let these individuals know that their work, and the manner in which they conducted it, is not only appreciated but highly respected.” – May 31, 2020
- “Thank you for making our voices heard. Thank you for your service as well.” – May 31, 2020
- “A big shout out to him for getting them off the road and back to the safety of their mother.” – May 19, 2020
- “This officer was so courteous. We need more officers like him.” – May 15, 2020

May 31, 2020
Utah Law Enforcement
“I don’t know who to send this message of “Thank You” to… so I ask that you please send it to those who worked to protect safety and uphold the laws of the State of Utah yesterday. I am a huge advocate for social justice and the need for all of us to treat each other with kindness and respect despite our differences. I am also a huge advocate for peaceful problem-solving, rational decision-making, and progress that comes through seeking for understanding and unity. Too often the angry and caustic voices are heard, while the voices of those who are appreciative remain silent. This morning I am grateful for people who peacefully expressed their concerns. I’m grateful for those who left the protest arenas when the protest turned violent and destructive. I am grateful for well trained and highly organized public safety officials who professionally protected both people and property. I’m grateful for safety officers who remained emotionally regulated and restrained amidst repeated verbal assaults, physical harm, and a traumatic environment. Please let these individuals know that their work, and the manner in which they conducted it, is not only appreciated but highly respected. Thanks!” – Wendy
May 30, 2020
Utah Highway Patrol Troopers
“Thanks for all UHP staff’s professionalism and respect in dealing with the protests today. While we all agree that what happened in another state was (and is) a mess and protesting is a reasonable response, rioting and looting is not the right thing to do. Blue lives protect us all.” Robert
“Watching things unfold at the capital. You are all amazing. The calm and professionalism you upheld was nothing short of amazing. Very proud watching you work. Thank you. Hope you don’t get stuck there all night.” – Scott
“Just want to send some love from Iron County. Thank you for protecting our Capital. I hope you recover soon from all the madness. Thank you for serving and protecting us.” – Catherine
“I am very proud of our Highway patrol Troopers as well as other law enforcement agencies in the State of Utah. They have been doing a great job with these people who want to protest, but instead of acted like someone who had no respect for George Floyd. What happened to him was wrong, but to ruin and deface private property. Every Law Enforcement Officer showed great restraint. Thanks for your Service.” – Sincerely Charles
“Kudos to the magnificent men and women of the highway patrol that stood on the capitol steps on Saturday May 30. They made me proud to be a Utahan. Thank you.” – James
“To the brave men and women who protect us each day, this message comes to you with appreciation, respect, and admiration for the job you do every day, but especially yesterday. I saw the protest erupt into violence on the news, and had to turn it off because I couldn’t stand to watch it. I was disgusted and heartbroken that on a weekend when you had lost a brother in Ogden, you were forced to control and combat such hate-filled vitriol and actions. There are three police officers from different departments who live in my neighborhood, and my thoughts turned to their safety and to their families who I know were worried about them. These officers are good and kind men. I thought of how there were so many others whose families were also concerned, whose family members were equally good and kind. I just wanted to write today to let you know that though there were many people represented in the violent protesters yesterday, there are a vast many more people who support you, who are grateful to you, and who admire you for the way you serve and protect us every day. I am a teacher, and I have worked with many police officers at my school. I see the little kind deeds that don’t make the news and the relationships you build with people, the way you support and encourage, the way you always offer to help. As a teacher, I know a little bit about how one bad experience makes everyone else look bad. However, just know that the majority of people in this state also realize that same truth and we salute you! We honor you for your courage, the patience and decorum you showed in dealing with the chaos, and for the way you willingly put your life on the line every day to help other people. I turned the TV off yesterday because it was too much, and you marched in to solve the problem. Thank you! God bless all of you!” – Trina
“I just wanted to say thank you to every officer and support staff who protect and serve our community. After watching the events that unfolded on Saturday evening, I was so impressed with the restraint and professionalism with which the officers showed in the face of such deplorable behavior. Your courage cannot be understated or undervalued. Thank you seems so inadequate, but please keep your spirits up.” – Stan

May 30, 2020
Trooper Miller, Utah State Capitol
“I just wanted to send a quick thank you to officer J Miller with the UHP. I had no idea how to contact him so I hope this message gets to him. I was the girl crying on the steps of the Capitol building during the protest. I wanted to thank him for asking if I was okay. Thank you for listening to everyone and shaking hands with protesters and asking questions and learning from us. That’s what the protest was about, listening and learning. Thank you for making our voices heard. Thank you for your service as well. I hope you are staying safe and I hope you remember what was discussed. Best wishes.” – Cece

May 19, 2020
Trooper Agin, Summit County
“I had an article catch my eye in our local paper, The Daily News in Longview, WA. Utah State trooper Alexander Agin saving 2 newborn moose calves. A big shout out to him for getting them off the road and to the safety of their mother. Such a sweet story to read. Kudos to him!! 🙂 Thank you.” – D. Engleman

May 15, 2020
Trooper J. Johnson, Iron County
“I’m not sure who to contact but, I just want to write a quick email and commend the officer who pulled me over a couple weeks ago. This officer was so courteous! He didn’t have any arrogance or attitude at all, and he was super kind. We need more officers like him! All the best.” – T. Holzer