February 2019
- “His vehicle sustained a flat tire” – February 26, 2019
- “I wish more cops were like him” – February 25, 2019
- “I was the recipient of some very kind service” – February 23, 2019
- “Thank you for risking your life” – February 15, 2019
- ” I’m pretty sure you just saved our lives ” – February 13, 2019
- “I’m extremely grateful for how he treated me” – February 8, 2019
- “Due to weather, my vehicle got stuck” – February 6, 2019
- ” He was wonderful under the pressure” – February 9, 2019
- “He truly made me feel at ease” – February 7, 2019
- “…the kindness he showed during my traffic stop” – February 6, 2019
- “I appreciated his time and professionalism” – February 6, 2019
- “My car was struck by oncoming traffic” – February 5, 2019
- “Today UHP cited a bunch of drivers…Hooray!” – February 4, 2019
- “He put his own life in jeopardy” – February, 2019
- “The law enforcement was the best part of the trip” – February, 2019
February 26, 2019
Sgt. Houskeeper, Juab County
From a memo written by Lt. Robertson based on a phone call he received: “On February 26, 2019, I received a call from Mr. Robert Barnett. He was traveling on I-15 near Mona when he hit a piece of wood that was in the travel lane. His vehicle sustained a flat tire as a result of hitting the piece of wood. Mr. Barnett felt it was too dangerous to change the tire on the side of the road and decided to go slowly along the shoulder and exit into the Shell station in Mona. As he was slowly moving down the shoulder and off ramp, he noticed a patrol car in his rear view mirror. He stated the patrol car followed him off the interstate and pulled up behind him. The Trooper was Sergeant Corey Houskeeper. Sergeant Houskeeper talked to Mr. Barnett for a minute then got his jack out and changed the tire for him. Mr. Barnett is an older gentleman and changing the tire would have been a challenge or him. Mr. Barnett was very appreciative of the assistance and professionalism rendered by Sergeant Houskeeper and wanted to thank all of our troopers for being out there in dangerous situations helping people like himself.”
February 25, 2019
Trooper Wilson, Tooele County
“This afternoon, I was pulled over in Stansbury Park by Trooper Wilson. Admittedly I was guilty of going too fast and Trooper Wilson was extremely nice. I was shocked, thus this message. I wish more cops were like him. I wish the public saw nice cops like him. You did a great job hiring him. Before he let me drive away, he cautioned me to slow down and arrive home safely. Please relay my message to him and thank him for his service to our great community.” – J. Hudgins
February 23, 2019
Trooper Strong, Summit County
“I was the recipient of some very kind service given by Trooper Strong in the Park City area, on the night of February 23. He stayed with me for a couple hours on the side of I-80 as I struggled to get help from a rental company with a broken down moving truck. First and foremost I wanted to thank Trooper Strong for his time and willingness to turn my unfortunate situation into somewhat of a pleasure.” – L. Anderson
February 13, 2019
“I just wanted to give a warm shout-out to the UHP Trooper who was sitting at the summit on Hwy 20 (between I-15 and 89), on Wednesday, February 13th around 5-5:30 pm. He/she flashed their lights at me to warn me what was to come. The road was just fine until we reached the summit, then it turned really bad at an instant from the storm! If that Trooper wasn’t there warning people to slow down, I’m pretty sure I would’ve slid right off that 90 degree turn and off that cliff! So, to the Highway 20 hero! Thank you! I’m pretty sure you just saved our lives!” – J. Hansen
Febuary 8, 2019
“I was pulled over by a UHP near Orem center street exit because none of my rear lights were working. I’m extremely glad and grateful for how he treated me and especially for letting me know. I could have easily been rear ended by another vehicle. He was super nice person. The last time a brake light went out and I got pulled over and felt like I was being treated as a criminal. This officer was way nicer and different and treated me as a person just trying to help prevent a bad situation. Please if you could, tell him thank you for me.” – M.Catlett
February 15, 2019
Trooper Silva-Santisteban, Davis County
“A huge thank you to the officer that changed my wife’s flat tire between 8:30 pm and 9: 00pm on February 15, 2019, a little north of Parrish Lane. The weather was cold and wet, a fast moving snow storm had just moved through. Thank you for risking your life every day to serve others! (He got it done before I could get there!)” – T. Hales
February 6, 2019
At 8:15 this morning, my car got stuck on the Redwood road to 215 EB ramp (an incident at the top of the ramp had caused traffic to be stopped there for 10 minutes, and due to the weather, my Scion was unable to get moving again). I didn’t catch his name, but I appreciated so very much the Trooper that was there and willing to help me on what must have been a terribly busy and miserable morning for him. If you have a way of figuring out who that was, please pass along my gratitude. Thank you!” – C. Huff
February 9, 2019
Trooper Rodriguez, Wasatch County
“We wanted to send a great big thank you to Trooper S. Rodriguez. We got stuck on the side of the road between Heber and Midway on Saturday 2/9/19 due to a lovely snow storm. Trooper Rodriguez was very helpful, professional and pleasant during our encounter. He was wonderful under the pressure of the storm and multiple slide offs around us while ensuring our and other driver’s safety. Please pass on our gratitude to Trooper Rodriguez and his supervisor.” – Megan, Evan and Caleb Sutton
February 4, 2019
Trooper Roderick, Davis County
“Huge thank you to Trooper Roderick for the help today and for the quick response time!” J. Bonham
February 7, 2019
Trooper Meyer, Salt Lake County
“Hello, I was involved in an accident today and Trooper Meyer responded. I just wanted to personally tell him Thank you for being so professional and kind during it. He truly made me feel at ease as soon as he responded. I hope this gets past along to him.” – L. McEntire
February 6, 2019
Trooper Jorgensen, Utah County
“I would like to compliment Trooper Jorgensen for his professionalism and the kindness he showed during my traffic stop. Please thank him for me.” – A. Jeffs
August 20, 2018 (submitted February 6, 2019)
Trooper Biggs, Juab County
“I wanted to get a thank you to the Trooper that stopped and checked up on me when I was stuck on the side of the road last August 20th somewhere around 6 pm I think. I was about 100 miles south of SLC headed for Ogden when my right front tire of the rental car blew out, and being a rental that was a hybrid there was no spare. Anyway, the Trooper was very courteous and took the time to actually talk with me and make sure I was OK. I hope you have the records to find him and let him know that even though it took a while, been busy, that I appreciated his time and professionalism. Too much negative stuff out there about law enforcement and the truth is actually very positive. Thanks.” – T. Bonnington
February 5, 2019
Monica Phillips, Salt Lake County Dispatch
“I was in the pileup that shut down the southbound I-15 this morning. I’d got stuck in the snow on the side of the freeway and called UHP for help. I’d already unbuckled my seatbelt because I was just sitting there, but the dispatcher I spoke with told me to stay where I was and stay buckled up while I waited so I put it back on. A couple of minutes later my car was struck by oncoming traffic at least two or three times. I hurt like hell tonight, but when I hugged my wife and kids all I could think about was how thankful I was that your dispatcher reminded me to stay buckled up because today could have ended so differently otherwise. Please, if you can, let her know I am so very grateful. Thank you ALL for everything you do.” – Mark C.

February 4, 2019
Utah County
“Today the UHP cited a bunch of drivers driving too fast thru the Lehi Tech Corridor. Hooray! People just drive too fast thru that corridor and put themselves and others st risk, especially the workers who are trying to make it better. The lanes change frequently. I support this completely. Thank you UHP.” – R. Wagner
February 4, 2019
Trooper Strong, Wasatch County
“Trooper Strong helped us get our car out, stayed with us till we got out and helped us again when the car broke down, not far from the accident! Thank you!” L. Russell
January 16, 2019 (received February 2019)
Trooper Pugliese, Carbon County
“On the morning of January 16, 2019 at 0630 hours, law enforcement were dispatched to a report of a semi truck that had crashed into Los Jilbertos Restaurant in Wellington. When Officers arrived they were in awe of what they saw. The semi truck had completely destroyed the building and the damage was beyond anything imagined.
Mr. Olebit Pineda was one of two people inside the restaurant when the accident happened. Mr. Pineda had minor injuries, but was able to get out of the building on his own. Mr. Pineda stated his wife, Maria Jaime, was inside the building still and he did not know where she was at. Mr. Pineda told law enforcement he tried to call out to her, but he did not hear her respond. Mr. Pineda stated he believed at the time his wife Maria had been killed in the accident.
Trooper Chris Pugliese was able to call out to Maria and hear her cries for help. Trooper Pugliese made his way to the south of the building, which was the only place the building had not entirely collapsed. The pathway was heavily blocked with debris and cinder block. Trooper Pugliese began digging his way through the debris and calling out to Maria. Trooper Pugliese was on his hands and knees and sometimes on his belly crawling through the destruction.
After some time and a lot of work, Trooper Pugliese was able to reach the area of where Maria was trapped. Maria’s legs were pinned inside a small void with very little room to move. Trooper Pugliese was able to move debris around and free Maria from where she was trapped.
Trooper Pugliese put his own life in jeopardy to save the life of Maria, who I believe was in extreme danger and needed help immediately. It is because of Trooper Pugliese’s selfless act and quick thinking and response that saved Maria’s life that day. Trooper Pugliese showed exactly the kind of heroism and professionalism you would expect from such a person as Trooper Pugliese.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the quick response and assistance from Trooper Pugliese and the rest of the Troopers. You should be extremely proud and honored to work with such amazing men.” – Wellington Police Department Chief Rory Bradley
December 23, 2018 (received February 4, 2019)
Trooper J. Jessop, Washington County
“I would like to send my sincere gratitude to those who served me and my step-son on December 23rd, 2018. My experience has been uplifting and positive. The law enforcement was the best part of the trip. Let me explain. My 18-year-old step-son (marriage of 14 months) and I were traveling to San Diego together for the first time. This time was meant to be spent bonding and bonding we did. He had just bought an old Jeep and was trying to drive it down to see his grandfather for Christmas. His mom (my wife) was traveling with the other children to another location for the holiday. It was the two of us on our own Christmas adventure. The Jeep was of concern since it had never been driven this distance since taking ownership. His mom and I thought it would be a great opportunity to help the two of us with our relationship and a way to look out for his safety. It was a good thing we did travel together as, we encountered our first break down outside of St. George on the side of the Interstate 15. We were soon helped by a stranger on the side of the road who helped us get off at the next exit. He soon departed once we were had a running motor. At the next offramp, we encountered some officers who were dealing with an auto infraction. When they had finished, I approached them. The kind officer offered to take me to town to get the parts needed to repair the vehicle while my step-son stayed behind to maintain the vehicle. The officer returned me to my step-son and stayed with us the entirety of the spell of being broken. This officer went above and beyond, he not only made a difference in our trip, but the impact it made on me and my impressionable step-son was impressive to say the least. We would like to thank the UHP and personally thank Officer Jim Jessop for his kindness and good cheer. It is my hope that he be recognized and given a handshake for being the good in the world. Thank you. ” – C. Wheeldon