Truckers and Troopers
Also implemented in 1990 was the Truckers and Troopers (TnT) program. This program was a cooperative effort of truckers and troopers working together to make the roads safer for the motoring public. The Utah Motor Transport Association was looking for ways to enhance and promote safety on our highways, plus improve the professionalism and overall attitude of those working in the trucking industry.
The Utah Highway Patrol’s Motor Carrier Safety and Inspection Bureau, joined together with the trucking industry in Utah to help them meet these goals by organizing “Truckers and Troopers.” The Utah Highway Patrol installed a toll-free 800 number to be used by drivers, safety supervisors, and the general public in reporting unsafe practices, dangerous equipment violations, load spillage, and also to make positive reports on good drivers. By dialing 1-800-56-TRUCK, a trooper is available to assist companies in following up on complaints, as well as providing Motor Carrier Safety Inspections upon request. The TnT program coordinates the efforts of private industry and government for the benefit of all.